Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Beautiful Weather, You Say?

After seeing a flood of "OHMIGAWDTHEWEATHER" facebook statuses from my Ann Arbor homies yesterday, I thought I'd do a little bit of research on the matter...

Well played, April Ann Arbor

I guess they have Sunday. Okay, I'll give 'em that. And sun and upper 50s really isn't too shabby either. But hey, it probably can't be that much better in Sp-

Oh. Well, maybe this is just a short streak of nice weat-

it was like this las week, too

Well then. Uh. Yeah. Sorry. If it makes any of you feel better, I actually do miss the Michigan spring season. As a season, spring doesn't actually exist here. It just went straight into this sorta weather a couple weeks ago. It's also a really huge kick to the academic motivation. Yes, once again I do actaully have work to do here. In fact, by the end of May, I'll have written around 6 papers, with three of them being 15-20 pages in length. In Spanish. So of course it would behoove me to start the research and maybe crank out a few pages, right?

Thursday - Relaxing at a cafe

Stefania, si ves esta foto y quieres que la elimine, dímelo. Personalmente me la parece guay

Friday - relaxing by the river with shirtless dudes

Saturday - discovered the existence of a terraza on top of my building. Then traversed the city and found some Flamenco players and joined their crew for the day.

dat sky

That box there is a cajón, a sick little percussion instrument. I played that shit. 

Sunday -Miserable attempt to do homework at a park. Me taking stupid photos of myself. Checking out Flamenco at night.

behold, my cámara de los cojones 

Needless to say, I literally got nothing done this weekend. Again. Semana Santa is coming up after this week (meaning an entire week off of school), where Spain shows through its processions that Spanish Jesús is superior to all other Jesuses (Jesi?). Then a week of school. Then another entire week off for Feria, where I am in the middle of trying to book a mini-excursion to the north of Spain and then am going to this electronic music festival in Murcia, Spain so I can finally see The Bloody Beetroots. If only Donald Glover would somehow show up....or read this blog...

I love you

Alright, that's all I got for now. I'm watching "Inside Job" right now if anyone is curious. Found it with Spanish subs. Learning financial terms in Spanish, priceless. Completely related, I urge anyone who's interested in polisci at Michigan to take Polisci 300. Loved that class. Anyways, I leave you with a video I took last night.

And of course a song. To keep things related, one of Childish Gambino's best tracks - Freaks and Geeks

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