Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It Just Won't Die

This, my friends, is my blog:

I'm going to give mad props to Dylan Sedam (a friend from high school who is currently studying in Oviedo, Spain) and my brother for indirectly convincing me to start posting again. Combine these two strapping lads with the fact that I no longer have a rather hefty essay regarding "las relaciones México-Estados Unidos hasta 1852" due in a couple days, and for now I have tons of motivation to keep this bad boy alive. There's a downside to this story, of course. The immense amount of stress I felt last night while writing my paper somehow caused me to get sick again. I'm sure somebody knows that I'm talking about: as the night progresses, you feel your throat slowly get more and more aggravated and your sinuses start to pound. Yeah, that happened to me last night. Damn.

So it's been a month and some since my last post. Unlike Dylan's sarcastic boast that he's done nothing of importance in the past while (just before listing a dozen cities he's visited in the past two weeks), I will unsarcastically say that I've done quite a lot. London, Granada, shenanigans in Sevilla, lots of cool stuff. Of course, no blog posts followed in the wake of these epic excursions. My mindset was, "hey I took photos."

But in all seriousness, if I ever find the motivation, I'll write some nonsense about London.

Okay, so what should I write about? I could copy-paste what I have written so far of my essay for any of my readers who know Spanish to critique. I could take a picture of myself in my current "I'm sick, I need a haircut, I haven't shaved, and I don't give a fuck" state of mind. Actually I'll do that right now.

Yes, I do understand what I'm reading.

Now that that's over with, I actually going to do exactly what my friend Dylan did in his most recent blog post, review movies. But those will be in subsequent posts, that way I already have something in mind to write about. Sometimes, I amaze myself with how clever I am. Even Muldoon is impressed.

In case any of you were curious, which I genuinely hope some of you are, I actually am taking this study abroad experience seriously. I take real classes, including a class at the University's Law School on international law.
1) España Actual (Spanish politics from the second republic, early 1930s, until now)
2) Historia de las relaciones interamericanas (Relations between US and Latin American countries from the 18th century til now
3) A writing and grammar class through my program (implying that the rest are through the university)
4) Historia de las relaciones internacionales (International relations from 18th century til now)
5) Organizaciones Internacionales (aforementioned Law School class).

Moral of the story, I have lots of hours of class, and I'm on a late schedule. I do not go out every night. I don't have classes on Fridays, so I only go out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday - with the occasional exception of course. The rest of the time, I'm either taking it easy either by myself or with friends, doing homework, getting foreign friends into reddit (true story), or just walking around the city. This has left me with a little bit of time to keep doing what I love - watching movies and tv-shows, and listening to music. This post is already turning into a Catzilla of a post, so as I already said I'll write a new one very soon about movies, the one about music.

if you had this picture, you would find a way to post it

This is good enough for now. Although, I do have a question for you: what would you guys like me to write about? After movies and music, I'll be out of ideas. So please, I wouldn't mind doing a Q&A post or something like that. To prove that people actually read my blog (I sincerely hope people out there do!), let me know what I should write about.

As for a song that I recommend, boy do I have one for you.
Justice - Civilization
With "Cross" still being one of my favorite electronic albums and "A Cross the Universe" being one of my all time favorite live albums, I didn't think it could get much better. Then the new line of Adidas commericals began to air, and their new track was the song. Holy shit. So good. The full track came out literally 2 days ago.

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