Thursday, January 13, 2011

American Bars are American

Tuesday night. In some ways worse than Monday night, while in some ways infinitely better. But before that happened, Tuesday morning happened. Before continuing, please recall my Monday night. You remember? Bueno, let's go.

We had to wake up at 9am because we have to get to our program's orientation at our program center. I'm still struggling to understand why we had to do it so damn early. And I know, most of you pre-med kids are used to getting up that early back in Ann Arbor, but my delicious schedule last semester had me getting up comfortably around 11am every day. Anyways, back to the orientation. "Classes start Wendesday, take this shit seriously (aside: I actually am taking this incredibly seriously), sign this contract promising you'll speak only in Spanish at the center, here's what you'll be doing for la clase cultural, la clase gramatica, y la clase de conversacion, herp derp yadda yadda. Okay, TIME FOR A SUPER TOURISTY BUS TOUR!!111!one!1" A one hour bus tour, taking us around the city. It was actually pretty cool. Again, no pictures, lo siento. But trust me, this place is absolutely beautiful, especially when it's 60 degrees and sunny. Which is seemingly every day.

We were done for the day after that, so rest of the afternoon consisted of me looking at tons of sweet sales on shoes and clothes, exploring the city, and eating food so delicious you'd need several pairs of pants at the ready in order for me to tell you what I ate.

Tuesday night. A group of us pre-game with vino and bacardi until literally 12:30am. Then a kid in our group told us about a bar called Fundicion, which is a bar located across the river that divides the city. It was apparently a pretty happening place, and the same kid also knew somebody that was doing some sort of promotion for the company he runs - a company bent on taking out American college students and getting them absolutely blasted. To prove I'm not lying, here's the website

The dude's name is Tova, and when we get there we immediately notice the british people outside talking about How I Met Your Mother and the mass of Americans inside. Tova breaks out drinks for beer pong and has us play. He's paying for our drinks, so we obviously play more than one game. Then he buys us more drinks. I don't understand how this guy makes money. The bar is lined with dollar bills with writing on them, very reminiscent of Quickie Burger. The music selection is classic frat party bullshit: Taio Cruz, Miley Cyrus, Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Kesha. Needless to say, I am VERY disappoint

We leave, most of us are disgusted at how American the place was. Crossing the bridge back to the hotel (it's like 2:30am right now), we run into a large group of students from Navarre, a northern region of Spain, who are in Sevilla studying architecture. After introducing each other, they convinced us to follow them to a bar called Elefunk. Yup, Elefunk. The silly thing is, this place is far more Spanish and legit than Fundicion. So at this bar we just talk with these students from Navarre until 4am. Being able to hold long conversations with Spaniards at a bar in Spanish definitely makes me realize I'm not that terrible at Spanish, which was my preconceived notion. This made my night infinitely better than Monday night.

To end,

I recommend to you Impureza - El Gitano Maldito. Spanish metal.


  1. Keep posting man! this is getting me so hyped up for my summer program, and you're great at narrating. i submitted all of my shit today, fingers crossed.

  2. I would just like to inform you that, being the dedicated friend I am, I must use a VPN to access this site. Yes, China blocks fuuuuu
